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    You can visit the Wooden Shoe Factory, Dutch souvenir shop in the typical Dutch Village of Marken 20 minutes by car or bus from Amsterdam. Or you can take the ferry from Volendam (30 min).  It is located in the wonderful village of Marken. The former Island got connected to the mainland in 1957, but still breathes the atmosphere of an old Dutch fishing village with its 140 monumental buildings.

    Wooden Shoe Maker in Action

    Next to the parking lot you can find the Wooden Shoe Factory. 
    Here you can see a local traditional clogmaker, who will demonstrate how a simple block of wood can be transformed into a wooden shoe in minutes To make the clogs, we use old machines from the 1930s.We even got a working steam engine from 1913 to power the clogmakingmachines the old fashioned way. You can take a look in our wooden shoe museum with all kinds of old or remarkable clogs. 

    360 degree view of our souvenir shop

    Next to our production area we got our souvenir shop wich looks like a walhalla of Duch souvenirs. You'll find beautyful clogs in all kinds and sizes, unique designs you have never seen before. For example check out our stylisch denim wooden shoes. But we are more than just a clog store. We have all kinds of unique and stunning dutch souvenirs. What do you think about wooden tulips, delft blue ceramics, or maybe fancy some dutch christmas ornaments, We sell a wide range of Dutch souvenirs.

    Or you can take a picture at one of our great typical Dutch photo spots.